Rant time. Read no further if you have no desire to hear the woes of a slightly strange teenage girl.
I'd rather go to my school formal by myself than with Scary Mc 70s-Sideburns.
If I'm going to the formal with someone, I want it to be a friend. Not some slightly creepy guy that I feel sorry for and know nothing about except that he got hit by a moving vehicle in a church car park once. For all I know he may be a nice person, but his constant staring is really disconcerting. Another problem with going to the formal with a friend is that all my closer male friends either have girlfriends or live overseas. This is the thing about being a girl. You can't just ask a guy to your formal: it's their job. Besides, I'm a chicken so even if girls did ask guys to things like this, I'd end up going by myself anyway. It's kind of depressing for me: the only person who would take me to the formal is the creepy guy who sits in the corner breathing heavily. I feel sorry for the guy though. It's highly unlikely that he'll get a date for the formal. I would go with him but I don't know if I could sacrifice my sanity like that. The person drives me up the wall. I even tried being friends with him several times. And he just behaved like an idiot right back at me. So I hit him over the head with my diary. (That was in year 9, by the way.) I honestly have no idea why he'd ask me. Now that I think about it, it may just be a vicious rumour designed to turn me into a really nasty person or a doormat with no self respect. I want to have fun at my formal! I want to be beautiful and have a nice, long, swishy dress and laugh and talk with my friends and take photos. Is that too much to ask? Am I being nasty in not wanting to go with fuzzy-sideburns-kind-of-scary guy?
I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.
Love, Elise
I'd rather go to my school formal by myself than with Scary Mc 70s-Sideburns.
If I'm going to the formal with someone, I want it to be a friend. Not some slightly creepy guy that I feel sorry for and know nothing about except that he got hit by a moving vehicle in a church car park once. For all I know he may be a nice person, but his constant staring is really disconcerting. Another problem with going to the formal with a friend is that all my closer male friends either have girlfriends or live overseas. This is the thing about being a girl. You can't just ask a guy to your formal: it's their job. Besides, I'm a chicken so even if girls did ask guys to things like this, I'd end up going by myself anyway. It's kind of depressing for me: the only person who would take me to the formal is the creepy guy who sits in the corner breathing heavily. I feel sorry for the guy though. It's highly unlikely that he'll get a date for the formal. I would go with him but I don't know if I could sacrifice my sanity like that. The person drives me up the wall. I even tried being friends with him several times. And he just behaved like an idiot right back at me. So I hit him over the head with my diary. (That was in year 9, by the way.) I honestly have no idea why he'd ask me. Now that I think about it, it may just be a vicious rumour designed to turn me into a really nasty person or a doormat with no self respect. I want to have fun at my formal! I want to be beautiful and have a nice, long, swishy dress and laugh and talk with my friends and take photos. Is that too much to ask? Am I being nasty in not wanting to go with fuzzy-sideburns-kind-of-scary guy?
I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.
Love, Elise