I went to see Les Miserables this last Thursday! It was awesome! If you ever get the chance, go see it! I do, however, strongly recommend reading the book, first. It's an awesome story, and every time I've read it (and also now seen it!) it reminds me of how God's got everything planned out for us.
I also saw Iron Man at the Drive-Ins last Friday. It was a lot of fun, but I got randomly cold and commandeered a blanket formerly used by a couple sitting next to me (they had, for some strange reason *cough* gotten out of the car). The movie was awesome. The music was awesome. the effects were awesome! Seriously, I cannot find a stronger way to say how much I enjoyed it! It was so exciting! Mind you, I wouldn't take my little sister to see it...
Or sleep.
Goodnight, sardines.
I also saw Iron Man at the Drive-Ins last Friday. It was a lot of fun, but I got randomly cold and commandeered a blanket formerly used by a couple sitting next to me (they had, for some strange reason *cough* gotten out of the car). The movie was awesome. The music was awesome. the effects were awesome! Seriously, I cannot find a stronger way to say how much I enjoyed it! It was so exciting! Mind you, I wouldn't take my little sister to see it...
I realised the other day that I have nice cheekbones. mind you I didn't notice until someone pointed it out to me. I was really happy, because one of the things I always admired in other people was defined cheekbones. As well as a defined jawline. It looks kind of hero-like. You know, I have never seen a picture of a hero without defined features like that. Usually the slightly classical baddies are more lumpy. Look at Darth
Sidious and Frank Burns. Lumpy and chinless, the both of them. One massive contradiction, though, is Dick Dastardly from The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. In case you haven't guessed, that's the Dastardly one on the left there, himself. His chin is exaggerated over and above the call of duty. Maybe that's why he's a bad guy...his chin was too big so Hero Academy ditched him. Now he's after revenge, in the form of tying pink-loving cartoon blondes with over-the-top accents to rail tracks.
On another note, Compiz is awesome. I love it. In case you're wondering what compiz is, look here. There's information on it here too.
I'm listening to a podcast [discovered by my dad, who said I'd probably like it]. It's a teen linux one. It's really hard to concentrate on what I'm writing, so don't mind me if the rest of this entry makes no sense. It's a really odd-yet-awesome one...though it is technically a Linux one, but they've so far spent 40 minutes roleplaying and insulting each other. It's pretty funny. If they went to my school I'd have added a quarter of the stuff they've said to the quotes page. It's that kind of funny.
I think it's time to look at work again.
On another note, Compiz is awesome. I love it. In case you're wondering what compiz is, look here. There's information on it here too.
I'm listening to a podcast [discovered by my dad, who said I'd probably like it]. It's a teen linux one. It's really hard to concentrate on what I'm writing, so don't mind me if the rest of this entry makes no sense. It's a really odd-yet-awesome one...though it is technically a Linux one, but they've so far spent 40 minutes roleplaying and insulting each other. It's pretty funny. If they went to my school I'd have added a quarter of the stuff they've said to the quotes page. It's that kind of funny.
I think it's time to look at work again.
Goodnight, sardines.
1 comment:
Hey, this is Mr. Psychopath (Sean from Teen Linux Lounge), it's good to know that you like our show.
And wow, girls like Linux?! Whaaat?
But hey, feel free to check out my geeky-as-hell blog.
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