The soul purpose of this blog is for me to confess something to the world in general. here it goes.
I. Am. A. Nerd. Sort of.
I have accepted the fact! I'm no longer in denial! I realised this listening to ELO while drinking tea, wearing my glasses and reading some random article on OpenSource software. So now you know. Do you no longer love me? Does my nerdiness offend you and make you want to no longer sociallise with me? Are you going to ask me for homework help more often? Is your view of me forever changed?
I'm glad you still love me. I knew I could count on you.

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! |-|()|*3 `/()\_||2 5|-|()35 |= 411 4|*4|27 !!
yeah, take that. But I still love you anyway.
I'm proud of my new-found nerdishness.
Well, I shall return now to my ELO, tea and homework. With my glasses on. My awesomely cool glasses.
Love, Elise.
REMEMBER: Nerds = awesomely cool.
Dorks and geeks are two entirely different (and less awesome) bunches.
The soul purpose of this blog is for me to confess something to the world in general. here it goes.
I. Am. A. Nerd. Sort of.
I have accepted the fact! I'm no longer in denial! I realised this listening to ELO while drinking tea, wearing my glasses and reading some random article on OpenSource software. So now you know. Do you no longer love me? Does my nerdiness offend you and make you want to no longer sociallise with me? Are you going to ask me for homework help more often? Is your view of me forever changed?
I'm glad you still love me. I knew I could count on you.
`/()\_| \\()()|3
! |-|()|*3 `/()\_||2 5|-|()35 |= 411 4|*4|27 !!
yeah, take that. But I still love you anyway.
Hooray for glasses!
I'm proud of my new-found nerdishness.
Well, I shall return now to my ELO, tea and homework. With my glasses on. My awesomely cool glasses.
Love, Elise.
REMEMBER: Nerds = awesomely cool.
Dorks and geeks are two entirely different (and less awesome) bunches.
Nah, geeks are the coolest! :P
I saw this ages ago on some guy's blog:
it's really inspiring really about coming to terms with being ones-self :)
dobo has a point. Geeks are way cooler than nerds (this coming from a 3/4 geek, 3/16 nerd, and 1/16 dork.)
Although I'm sure there's some geek in there somewhere, so no worries. You are still wicked awesome nonetheless.
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