Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Empty Words, Broadband and Dell

Here's a smorgasbord of unrelated topic-mixing for you.

This is something I often find myself doing, and I'm rather ashamed of it. I have a horrible habit of filling the air with (often meaningless) words. When there's meaning, I suppose it's not so bad. The problem is really when I ramble on about nothing in particular, or worse, about everything that comes to mind, every second.

I have a friend who has taught me to think about what I say before I say it, though I do not know if he himself knows he has. To him, I'm exceedingly grateful, because (hopefully), I sound less of an airhead than I did a year ago. I think it's because he points out when I say stupid, ignorant, un-thought-about,empty words. He never does it in a spiteful or nasty manner, either, nor in a way that would embarrass. This friend is a massive blessing, and I'm glad I have had the chance to get to know him a little more over the last year or so. So to my friend, thank you, I really appreciate this invaluable ( and perhaps subconscious) lesson.

In other news, I am informed that I am too cynical and sarcastic for my own good. Thus, I have decided to go on a cynicism diet (as in, cutting down). Here's hoping it works. For the record, I am only sometime cynical. When I am, the quips come thick and fast and I think my family gets sick of it.

Also I have been sick, have a nose not unlike a tap and currently go between sounding like a frog and not having any voice at all. I spent pretty much the whole long weekend bed-ridden, and got up for school today. Hurray for Codral! I got some more of my painting done today.

I also found my most favourite beanie!

Some of my friends on the teenLUG IRC channel have been teaching me about Chavs. I tried talking like a Chav today. It was fun, but I couldn't do it: I kept sounding Jamaican. Mon.

A certain member of the household *cough-MY-SISTER-cough* used up our entire monthly bandwidth allowance within 21 days, watching sailor moon on YouTube. The family was not happy, Jan. [the link explains this widely used Australian phrase.] Then, at the end of our contract with them, our internet provider Optus started screwing around with our plan and payments and eventually decided on offering us an oh-so-generous 2GB (including uploads) plan for 15c per MB. This totalled to $300 a month. Dad was so annoyed that he momentarily forgot it was Bec's fault we were on speeds slower than dialup. And so was everyone else. Therefore, on the 11th of June, tomorrow I believe, we switch over to super speedy broadband with Internode. They are (so far) a lot nicer to deal with. Yay for Internode!

I used to say "I want an Eee" several times a week. Probably daily. However, no more! Since i found out that Xandros did a deal with the devil Microsoft, and also since I discovered Dell's new Mini-Note, my tune has changed. I want a Dell! The Inspiron Mini (that's the proposed name) is, so far as we all know, even more awesomely awesome than the Eee PC. It has a larger screen, more memory, runs Ubuntu instead of Xandros and has all the trimmings of the Eee (webcam, speakers, usb ports, etc) while looking less like a toy (though I do like the chunky, no-nonsense, slightly awesome look of the Eee). Don't get me wrong, I still love the Eee. I just love the Inspiron thingy more, now. All that said, I would prefer either to the Mac Air. Yay Linux! I feel an Eee-Dell comparison blog coming on. Maybe later when we have more information about the Dell and I can actually look at one for myself. I might hunt up some details after I've posted this, in fact.

Anyway, I would say that this is long enough for now. I don't want my blog to start filling up with empty, meaniless words.

That would be boring.

Love, Elise


Unknown said...

great blog post, I really liked it :) I think you've probably achieved what you were talking about in the previous post (/me really liked it anyway (no, crazy brackets aren't reappearing))

zmjjmz said...

Actually, it's the Dell-E, and it's coming August.

Chad said...

Good call on that new small dell, I hadn't heard of it. I know some people who put Ubuntu on their Eee PCs though, fyi.

Also, small laptop + linux seems to be the cool thing to do these days. Check out some of Everex's products, including the Cloudbook, http://www.everex.com/products/cloudbook/cloudbook.htm and of course the OLPC project. There's a bunch more but I don't remember their names and I'm failing at google tonight.

In the mean time, I'm saving up for a tablet PC!

Wonderboy™ said...

Fascinatingly broad amount of topics you cover.