Lots of things to say today.
I will start by saying that even fingerless gloves are restrictive for typing in. I've been really enjoying my new-found glove-wearing dextrousity, however my typing skills have declined somewhat. In light of this, I shall no longer wear gloves while typing. That is, unless it is really cold.
I realised that I hadn't posted a "before" picture of my hair yesterday, and have decided to do so now. Hopefully you'll then understand why i was a little teary-eyed at the hairdresser's. So here you go, the before picture. as you an see, it wasn't exactly sitting-on length, but it was getting too long to maintain. Besides, I don't really want all the complications that come with having hair that reaches my bum. by the way, those aren't skinnyleg, "drainpipe" jeans. I detest skinnyleg jeans.
I think that this is perhaps one of the few non-scary before shots I've ever seen. Maybe I'm just saying that because it's me, but still. There are no cracked heels, festy wounds or morbidly obese people in this picture. Also, spot the penguin.
In other news, I must point out Sean's blog, in which he scandalously paraphrased and misquoted me. Being a forgiving sort, I'm going to overlook this one, and instead say that it's pretty brave, going without GUI for 30 days. I don't think I could manage it myself for that long. Very manly, Sean, Very manly.
I have recently become addicted to loldogs. I had succumbed to peer pressure and had taken a look at lolcats, from which I discovered it. It's definitely up there in awesomeness.
Yesterday, I read Rob's latest blog. I felt very inspired, and so decided to write some thoughtful words myself, though on a slightly different subject. Here we go. Seatbelts, Kids!
As you may already know, I am sick of corrupt politics and of greed and a lust for power being the driving forces of government. As much as I do respect people in positions of authority over me, I by no means agree with the way that they carry out their duties or with the decisions they make a lot of the time. I can get positively riled over it all, though you won't see or hear me shouting down the next person over it.That is what blogging is for. As much as running away and hiding from the world seems appealing to me at times, I really want to have an impact on the world. I need to have an impact. If I chose to run away, I'm pretty sure that I'd die of boredom and uselessness. Because of this, I'm not quitting living society anytime soon. I have a feeling that the situation will only get worse, even if it does appear to look up temporarily. Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but that's my view. Politics is corrupt; has been for millenia (I give you the Pharohs, Persia, Greece and Rome to name a few) and I can't see it becomming wonderfull all of a sudden. Not now, anyway. Maybe one day. We can hope.
Random question for the week: why do people have an in-built sense of right and wrong, justice and injustice?
Oh, and you have to see this video, followed by this one. Good ol' New Zealand. you have to love it.
I will start by saying that even fingerless gloves are restrictive for typing in. I've been really enjoying my new-found glove-wearing dextrousity, however my typing skills have declined somewhat. In light of this, I shall no longer wear gloves while typing. That is, unless it is really cold.

I realised that I hadn't posted a "before" picture of my hair yesterday, and have decided to do so now. Hopefully you'll then understand why i was a little teary-eyed at the hairdresser's. So here you go, the before picture. as you an see, it wasn't exactly sitting-on length, but it was getting too long to maintain. Besides, I don't really want all the complications that come with having hair that reaches my bum. by the way, those aren't skinnyleg, "drainpipe" jeans. I detest skinnyleg jeans.
I think that this is perhaps one of the few non-scary before shots I've ever seen. Maybe I'm just saying that because it's me, but still. There are no cracked heels, festy wounds or morbidly obese people in this picture. Also, spot the penguin.
In other news, I must point out Sean's blog, in which he scandalously paraphrased and misquoted me. Being a forgiving sort, I'm going to overlook this one, and instead say that it's pretty brave, going without GUI for 30 days. I don't think I could manage it myself for that long. Very manly, Sean, Very manly.
I have recently become addicted to loldogs. I had succumbed to peer pressure and had taken a look at lolcats, from which I discovered it. It's definitely up there in awesomeness.
Yesterday, I read Rob's latest blog. I felt very inspired, and so decided to write some thoughtful words myself, though on a slightly different subject. Here we go. Seatbelts, Kids!
As you may already know, I am sick of corrupt politics and of greed and a lust for power being the driving forces of government. As much as I do respect people in positions of authority over me, I by no means agree with the way that they carry out their duties or with the decisions they make a lot of the time. I can get positively riled over it all, though you won't see or hear me shouting down the next person over it.
Random question for the week: why do people have an in-built sense of right and wrong, justice and injustice?
Oh, and you have to see this video, followed by this one. Good ol' New Zealand. you have to love it.

I have become tired of explaining the following smiley:
Therefore, I have made a picture to hopefully illustrate what it means. If that doesn't help, I shall try to explain with my awesomely eloquent typin' skillz, yo.
Anyway. " ^^ " is an expression of a positive feeling. It can mean smiling and laughter, though by no means ever in a nasty way. " ^^ " is a friendly, happy face. Not birds.
Anyway. " ^^ " is an expression of a positive feeling. It can mean smiling and laughter, though by no means ever in a nasty way. " ^^ " is a friendly, happy face. Not birds.
I think that should do it.
Well I think I'm done now. Until next time....
Love, Elise
Haha, nice.
So many random thoughts, how to address them all? I guess a number system should work well enough.
1.) I suppose not wearing your gloves while you type makes sense.
2. The before picture doesn't show your face, and the after picture doesn't show your back!
3. Well, who am I to argue with that, I've not seen your other before pictures to compare it to.
4. XD. Yes. It's hard.
5. I prefer Faildogs.
6. I read that, mainly because you linked to it. Is the world screwed up? Sort of. But I like to think that good outweighs the bad.
7. One day, there will hopefully be a true democracy run by the people. Someday. Although, Canada has the best political system EVER, I hear.
8. It's not built in. It's part of the conditioning of our lives. Usually, it's shaped by other people's religious beliefs being told to us at a young age. If you think about it, most people never get to choose their religion or faith early in life, and go around believing most of it without questioning it, as if that's the way it's got to be. We shape ourselves on other people's morals, and that's not always a good thing.
9. I can't see those videos right now, but I assume N.Z is a pretty sweet place to go.
10. I still think that smiley looks like EVE from Wall-E. Yes, you haven't seen it, I know.
11. I guess this is the part where I go post the comment, this thing is a monster of a comment.
OMG #s hair
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