Hello there.
Time for more random rambling.
Firstly, I'm on holidays now! It's cold but I don't mind, as long as I'm not cold myself. I have lots of plans for these holidays. They are as follows:

I got a haircut! I had about 8 inches cut off. My hair is still classed as long, though. It looks good, and I am pleased. Mind you, I nearly cried as I sat down in the hairdresser's chair. My mum's friend cut it for me and it looks pretty good.
Last night I went to my friend Quinten's 18th birthday and it was fun. I managed to take two photos before my camera went flat. Maybe that was a good thing though, because I found that I had a lot more fun when I wasn't worrying about taking good pictures. So anyway, it was a themed party, the theme being Rockstars. I went as Melissa Brock, who is pretty awesome; she's backing vocals and a guitarist a band called Superchic[k]. Their music lately has been great. If you have fairly broad music taste and like music with a bit of a message, then I'm pretty sure you'll like these guys and girls. They're sort of a pop/rock/alternative mix. Sounds kind of weird to put pop and alternative in the same line, but it's true. I suppose their music is aimed slightly more at girls than guys, but it's still worth the listen. Check out their song, "Stand in the Rain" if you want to hear some of their music.
In other news, I'm pretty much sick of the whole relationship drama thing. I'm also
sick of constantly watching out for "Mr Right," to use a generic and
over-said term. He can flipping well come and find me. I don't want a
fluffy short-term relationship, either. I want real love. So, I have
quit looking. It hurts too much. I'm going to enjoy my singleness, and
then enjoy Mr Perfect Awesomeness when he comes along a whole lot more
than I did being single.
So, lately I have been thinking about something a friend of mine asked me. The question was, "If God is so good and perfect, why does he need to be worshipped?" My answer is fairly simple. Think of a loving dad who looks after his kids and cares for them absolutely unconditionally, even when they do stupid things and disobey him. How great do you think he feels every time his kids say, "Hey, dad. I love you. Thanks for looking after me and loving me no matter what. I know I mess up and I'm sorry. I reckon you're awesome." and then the kids reach for him and give him a massive hug. The dad's heart swells with pride and love as he thinks, "This is definitely worth the pain. I love my kids so much." That's what worship is like. It's God's "children," the people who love him and believe in him, thanking him for loving them through all their imperfections, and asking for strength to carry on. God's heart, just like a father's heart, swells with pride and love. It's the most awesome thing that we mean so much to him. </apologetics>
So there you have it. Oh! One more thing: My basketball team won the Grand Final! The trophy looks like a Bailey's glass or something. I'm so happy! YAY!! CHALLENGERS PWN * !!
That's it, I think.
Stay safe!!
Love, Elise
Time for more random rambling.
Firstly, I'm on holidays now! It's cold but I don't mind, as long as I'm not cold myself. I have lots of plans for these holidays. They are as follows:
- Overcome writer's block.
- Finish English - Applications and Oral Transcripts
- Finish two Art Investigative studies
- Write at least one TLL article
- Write some more poetry
- Take lots of good photos
- Make more Man in a Box comics
- Write more songs
- Finish arranging previously written songs
- Write more on my stories.
I got a haircut! I had about 8 inches cut off. My hair is still classed as long, though. It looks good, and I am pleased. Mind you, I nearly cried as I sat down in the hairdresser's chair. My mum's friend cut it for me and it looks pretty good.
Last night I went to my friend Quinten's 18th birthday and it was fun. I managed to take two photos before my camera went flat. Maybe that was a good thing though, because I found that I had a lot more fun when I wasn't worrying about taking good pictures. So anyway, it was a themed party, the theme being Rockstars. I went as Melissa Brock, who is pretty awesome; she's backing vocals and a guitarist a band called Superchic[k]. Their music lately has been great. If you have fairly broad music taste and like music with a bit of a message, then I'm pretty sure you'll like these guys and girls. They're sort of a pop/rock/alternative mix. Sounds kind of weird to put pop and alternative in the same line, but it's true. I suppose their music is aimed slightly more at girls than guys, but it's still worth the listen. Check out their song, "Stand in the Rain" if you want to hear some of their music.
In other news, I'm pretty much sick of the whole relationship drama thing. I'm also
sick of constantly watching out for "Mr Right," to use a generic and
over-said term. He can flipping well come and find me. I don't want a
fluffy short-term relationship, either. I want real love. So, I have
quit looking. It hurts too much. I'm going to enjoy my singleness, and
then enjoy Mr Perfect Awesomeness when he comes along a whole lot more
than I did being single.
So, lately I have been thinking about something a friend of mine asked me. The question was, "If God is so good and perfect, why does he need to be worshipped?" My answer is fairly simple. Think of a loving dad who looks after his kids and cares for them absolutely unconditionally, even when they do stupid things and disobey him. How great do you think he feels every time his kids say, "Hey, dad. I love you. Thanks for looking after me and loving me no matter what. I know I mess up and I'm sorry. I reckon you're awesome." and then the kids reach for him and give him a massive hug. The dad's heart swells with pride and love as he thinks, "This is definitely worth the pain. I love my kids so much." That's what worship is like. It's God's "children," the people who love him and believe in him, thanking him for loving them through all their imperfections, and asking for strength to carry on. God's heart, just like a father's heart, swells with pride and love. It's the most awesome thing that we mean so much to him. </apologetics>
So there you have it. Oh! One more thing: My basketball team won the Grand Final! The trophy looks like a Bailey's glass or something. I'm so happy! YAY!! CHALLENGERS PWN * !!
That's it, I think.
Stay safe!!
Love, Elise
Dear God. You can fit a whole can of thoughts into a blog post.
i was googling pictures of Superchick and happened upon your blog xD
i'm glad i did!
i know this is like a totally super old post, but..yeah, really glad google brought it up XD
i was wondering that thing you're friend asked, i've been having this whole...screwed up...thing...trying to figure out what i believe, and i have all these questions and feel dumb asking anyone
so thanks for posting that :DDDDDD
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