Monday, October 20, 2008

If Only.

Sounds good to me.
What do you think?


Sean said...

Aha, but to instantly learn everything might just take away from the merit of actually learning it!

We may very well have tons of smartasses with loads of knowledge, yet no wise people if this were the case.

Elise said...

Wow, this is very true. I didn't think of it that way. Life would lose all the challenge and excitement too, I guess.

Unknown said...

Learning =/= understanding the material

Elise said...

So true. Whoever thought lolcats could breed deep thinking? It's pretty cool.

I love it when people put thought into their comments. Thanks guys :)

Joe ST said...
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Anonymous said...

Ok, the problem that I have, is that osmosis is diffusion of water through a semi permiable membrane.

1) Water is not knowledge
2) A book doesen't have a semi permiable membrane

I know I am being pedantic but, I hate it when people confuse diffusion and osmosis.

Also, HAII leesykate

Joe ST said...

was that hail? if so, HAIL!!!

and yeah, but both water and knowledge can be expressed as data :O

And I like learnding its all gud

Anonymous said...

It was Haii capitalized.

But seriously why is osmosis used in this case.
Diffusion would make so much more sense.

Unknown said...

Yes but Osmsis is a much better word then Diffusion, just sounds better from a lolcat.

tdobson said...

IANAB (I am not a biologist)
well, if we are getting pedantic here, surely it makes sense because the can doesn't expect to soak in all knowledge from the books, only the bits it finds interesting and relevant. the semipermeable membrane being it's skin.
I interpret this lolcat as a pretty original way of expressing the idea that if you hang around a certain group of people, at least some of the ideas and knowledge they have is likely to rub off on you...
draw your own conclusions.... :)

Leesy said...

How is a kitten supposed to know the difference between osmosis and diffusion? :P

Leesy said...

also, good observations @tim.